One message I deliver on a regular basis regardless when delivering training is that “Nothing happens until you take action!”. I emphasize to the participants that it’s great when they acquire new knowledge, skills and tools during a training session, but it will just be “learning scrap” if they do nothing with them. Nothing will change or get better until you do something. There are many barriers to taking action  most of which are just self-limiting beliefs that lock people up and keep them from moving forward. “I’m not sure what to do”, “I have to wait until something else is done first”, and worst of all “I can’t do that because…” are common self-limiting beliefs that people have that prevent them from taking action. Jack Canfield demonstrates this concept very well in his workshops. He’ll hold a $20 bill up in front of the group and ask ‘who wants this?’. Of course, just about everyone raises their hand or verbally say they want it but Jack just stands there holding it without saying anything until someone finally takes action and grabs the $20 bill. It’s a great example of what John Ruskin, an English author and social commentator meant when he said the following quote.

“What we think or what we know or what we believe is, in the end, of little consequence. The only consequence is what we do.”

Stop the self-limiting beliefs and stop making excuses for why you don’t have the success you want in life and start taking action! Don’t worry about not having the perfect plan or whether you are good enough to get it done or that you don’t deserve it. Put all of that mental nonsense behind you and take action now!